Dec 29, 2024
As surely as I know that I am flesh
I know that this will end.
But while we are here, be present
Stay with me in your thoughts and your
don't run away while I am sat beside you.
Look at me, truly. See me as I am here:
see the colour of my eyes as they look upon
you, softly, tenderly.
See how my face shifts into smiles when you
make me laugh. See how I stare at you when
gentle love turns to momentary lust, when
wanting you becomes present tense, not
faraway, but here, now.
Hold my hand, feel its warmth
Touch me and feel my heart race
Embrace me and feel how I tremble
I am encircling all that it is to stay present
also, how not to run away from myself when
you are near, how to let my heart be so
happy she races, then take a breath and let
her know it's alright.
It's alright, elbi, I am here. Be with me.
She is excited because she knows you will
touch me, and the thrill of it exalts her.
She knows what it will feel like when you kiss
me, and the thought of it makes her race
again. Look, not even the reality of it, but
just the thought and she is off again.
She could leap out of my chest for it, but I
tell her: stay elbi, be present. I am here.
Be with me.